Modern science acknowledges what the ancient yogis have always known, that everything in the universe is energy and is in a constant state of vibration. Within the human body, there are seven energy centres, known as chakras which allow energy to flow through our bodies. The ability for this energy to flow unobstructed is essential to your good health and well-being. There are a number of ways to help keep your chakras in balance including yoga, meditation and sound healing.

Yin yoga recognises that dis-ease in the body is characterised by a blockage in the energy channels (meridians) running throughout our bodies in the connective tissue referred to as fascia. Yin yoga uses meridian theory to create a free flow of energy through all our meridians thus creating harmony in the body. On a physical level Yin yoga increases blood flow, boosts the immune system and soothes the nervous system from over-stimulation.

Sound healing is a form of vibrational medicine that works on the same principle through vibration. These vibrations are absorbed by the body to create a sense of peace and relaxation, a clearing of emotional clutter and mind stuff.

Through the gentle targeted movement of Yin yoga and vibrational healing of sound, the body begins to slow down, to relax and to release. Yin yoga and sound healing work together to open the body’s entire energetic system to guide you on a journey of self discovery and inner exploration.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Chakra system please join my Chakra Yoga Club, a seven week journey to explore this fascinating work. You can view the details here.