Sankalpa- How to create your intention

If you’ve been to my yoga classes or workshops you will know that I always begin by inviting you to create a Sankalpa, which is to set an intention. I love this ritual because it’s a reminder that our yoga doesn’t just happen on the mat.

The Future of Yoga Post Covid

Now that we have all had a chance to experience online yoga and yoga studios are re-opening, we’re about to find out how the Covid experience we’ve all been through is going to influence our yoga practice for students, teachers and studios alike.

I released a survey on my Instagram last week to gauge the sentiment amongst students and teachers regarding how they would deliver and practice yoga when studios reopen.

Shanti, Shanti, Shanti

When all our chakras are balanced we can access the liberation found at the crown chakra, Sahasrara. This is where we experience total connection, deep peace, unconditional love and tranquility.

Beyond Logic Lies Wisdom

Ajna the third eye chakra is our centre of intellect, wisdom, intuition and insight. We can develop these qualities with meditation, in particular visualisation which can be very powerful as a way to change our cognitive wiring to transform unhelpful mind states into more supportive ones.

Conscious Creative Expression

The elements of vibration and sound resonate here as we express ourselves to the world. Vissudha is the centre of communication and the intention here is to express ourselves clearly, truthfully and authentically.

Balancing the Heart

The heart chakra is the centre of connection and compassion. It’s from the heart space that we relate to other sentient beings, to nature and to the cosmos. It represents our innate sense of compassion and unconditional love.

The Play of Power Dynamics

Manipura relates to the fire element that lives in the solar plexus. When this chakra is well balanced this person will have good self-esteem and plenty of energy to get things done.

In the Pursuit of Pleasure

The second major energy wheel in the body is the sacral chakra known as Svadhisthana. The flavour here is quite different from the first chakra Muladhara, which is focused on security, stability, and acquiring possessions. By contrast, the focus at Svadhisthana is the pursuit of pleasure and fun.

Connecting to our Foundation

When we work with the Chakra system we often begin at the base with the root chakra Muladhara because that’s the foundation of our being and our support. Just like a tree that needs deep roots sinking deep into the earth to get its nutrients, we too need that connection to Mother Earth to feel whole and connected.

Chakra Yin & Sound

The ability for this energy to flow unobstructed is essential to your good health and well-being. There are a number of ways to help keep your chakras in balance including yoga, meditation and sound healing.

Crystal Bowl Healing

Keeping our energetic body well-tuned is important to allow us to feel vital and to keep our inner spark, this has a domino affect on our physical, mental and emotional well-being.

Choosing the Right Online Yoga Class in 3 Simple Steps

The trouble with too much choice is that it creates confusion and overwhelm.  In the beginning you may try lots of different classes hoping to find the right fit, but this could take a long time and leave you confused. So how do you go about choosing the right yoga classes to suit your new lifestyle?