As we end our journey through the chakras, it’s clear that these major energy centres are a rich and fascinating way to approach our yoga practice. Each chakra contains its own particular quality, symbolism and flavour. As yogis we learn to connect to the subtleties of the chakra system so that we can notice where we might have excessive or deficient charge. We are then better informed on where we need to adjust and find balance.

When all our chakras are balanced we can access the liberation found at the crown chakra, Sahasrara. This is where we experience total connection, deep peace, unconditional love and tranquility. Additionally, our illusion of separateness dissolves and we sense an innate oneness with everyone and everything. We realise that we are part of the cosmic web of life, and that everything is a part of us.

This sense of deep connection allows us to live with gratitude, faith and trust, rather than being filled with fear and anxiety. We are guided by a higher power and we feel divinity from within and from without .This is the gift we receive when all our chakras are balanced and our life force rises to open the crown chakra.

These peak experiences are not easily attained but when we have them, they encourage us to continue with our practice. You may experience this in savasana after a well-balanced chakra class. You may get just a flash of liberation, or an overwhelming sense of connection and love that lifts your spirit. These experiences, no matter how brief, can leave us feeling larger than your usual selves.

It’s here at the crown chakra that we feel the full impact of our spiritual potential when all our chakras are open and balanced. This is how we reach our full potential as human beings in our own unique ways.