As we enter the upper chakras through the doorway of Vissudha the throat chakra, the energy becomes much more refined and subtle. The elements of vibration and sound resonate here as we express ourselves to the world. Vissudha is the centre of communication and the intention here is to express ourselves clearly, truthfully and authentically. We all know that communication is the number one cause of relationship discord, and so it requires practice and finesse. One of the main characteristics to develop here is the ability to listen before we speak, and to speak with kindness so as to avoid harm. Words are powerful and hold strong energy, once we release them we cannot take them back.

Meditation helps us to find space between listening and speaking so that we can express ourselves mindfully. Before we speak it’s useful to ask ourselves if our words are necessary, true and kind, if not, we might be wise to reconsider.

The throat chakra is a space of contemplation, a passage way from the heart to the head. Here we can pause to reflect on and purify our intentions.

When the energy is well balanced at Vissudha we are able to communicate simply and clearly without causing harm. These people have the ability to communicate to large numbers of people eloquently and with grace. It is often the domain of poets, musicians, actors and anyone who uses voice or sound as their medium of expression.

Individuals with overactive charge at the throat chakra often speak too much and/or too loudly. They often demand to be centre stage and lack the ability to listen to others, or to pick up on the social queues of those trying to escape their company.  These are the people you may get stuck with at parties as they launch into long and boring monologues. If their audience disappears, they end up feeling misunderstood, then quickly move on to launch into spiel at the nearest sounding board.

On the other hand, individuals who have an underachieve throat chakra are often described as good listeners, although the truth is that they simply lack to impetus to speak their mind. These people are the wallflowers who will nod politely whether they agree or not. This can manifest as extreme shyness and can lead to social isolation.

It’s important to note that individual chakras do not act independently, but rather as a holistic system. To have the ability to communicate clearly relies on achieving balance in all the preceding chakras. It requires a sense of safety at Muladhara the root chakra, a trust in the creative flow at Svasdhisthana the sacral chakra, good self-esteem at Manipura the solar plexus chakra, and kindness at Anahata the heart chakra . These qualities all build on each other and support us as we move up the Chakra system.