Ajna the third eye chakra is our centre of intellect, wisdom, intuition and insight. We can develop these qualities with meditation, in particular visualisation which can be very powerful as a way to change our cognitive wiring to transform unhelpful mind states into more supportive ones.

This centre is sometimes referred to as the inner Guru because it illuminates what is kept hidden in the depth of our psyche and brings it to the surface. Ajna acts as a guiding light that leads us to inner knowledge. This helps us to find direction and to understand our soul purpose, or our Dharma. Having this knowledge gives us a great sense of contentment and peace. Knowing and following our Dharma doesn’t mean that life becomes all bliss and rainbows, the challenges will always come and go, however it does give us an underlying sense of support to know that we are in the right place, at the right time.

A well-developed third eye is more than just intellect, it incorporates a much deeper understanding and a connection to spirit. When it’s deficient it can make us cynical, unmotivated, and close minded.

Excessive charge at the third eye can lead to delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, and a disconnection from the real world. These people can find it hard to function with the day to day practicalities of life, and can become disconnected from reality.

Chakra yoga is practical, it helps us increase our awareness so that we can operate at our full potential in the world, knowing that we are following our purpose.