When we work with the Chakra system we often begin at the base with the root chakra Muladhara because that’s the foundation of our being and our support. Just like a tree that needs deep roots sinking deep into the earth to get its nutrients, we too need that connection to Mother Earth to feel whole and connected. In Chakra yoga we find our stability in the body at the base of the spine, the legs and the feet, which represent our roots.

When events in our outer world become insecure, as they are right now for many people, our Muladhara balance can easily topple. Losing anything connected to the material world as well as place in the tribe will often create fear and insecurity. Even for those who have not lost anything of value during the pandemic, we can’t underestimate the collective fear that is roaming the world. This energy has the potential to destabilise us if we are not mindful.

This is why Chakra yoga is such a powerful practice, it brings us into awareness when we are out of balance. When we have this insight we can use practices that help us come back into equilibrium.

When our root chakra gets overactive we live in fear and have a tendency to hold on very tightly to our money, our opinions, and our outmoded beliefs. We can become very stubborn, ‘stuck in our ways’ and easily fall into a rut. It can make us lethargic, unmotivated and we can lose our sense of being in the flow of life.

In the other extreme, when we have deficient charge at the root chakra we can become very scattered, ungrounded and we may make unwise decisions. We are seeing this everywhere in the world right now with all the conspiracy theories running rife, adding to the collective fear and paranoia.

We know that life will always challenge us and bring about uncertainty at times, so it’s important to be able to find a sense of security within ourselves. The good news is that we all have access to this and that’s what we practice in Chakra yoga.

Each chakra has its own set of physical, energetic, mental, emotional and spiritual characteristics. Most of us will have 1 or 2 dominant chakras which will influence our attitudes, motivations and behaviours. This is why Chakra yoga is such an interesting practice, it works on the many layers of our being and translates into what we manifest and experience in the world.